The INSERT statement adds 1+ rows to a table.

It can include hard-coded values, or can use subqueries to retrieve data from other tables.

There are 2 ways to INSERT data. Either we supply the exact number of rows directly:

INSERT INTO TableName (Column1, Column2, ...)
VALUES (Value1, Value2, ...))
-- Values could be DEFAULT, NULL, or an expression or subquery that returns a value

Or, we can INSERT data from another table, like a copy/paste:

INSERT INTO TableName (Column1, Column2, ...)
SELECT Column1, Column2, ...
FROM ...

If the statement supplies data that does not comply with constraints, or the data is incompatible with the data type of the column, the statement fails.

Example using hard-coded values:

INSERT INTO Staff (FirstName
    , LastName
    , DateHired
    , DateReleased
    , PositionID
    , LoginID)
VALUES ('Jason'
    , 'Teachalot'
    , 'Jan 1 2013'
    , NULL
    , 4
    , NULL)

Example using a subquery:

INSERT INTO Staff (FirstName
    , LastName
    , DateHired
    , DateReleased
    , PositionID
    , LoginID)
VALUES ('Jason'
    , 'Teachalot'
    , 'Jan 1 2013'
    , NULL
    , ( SELECT PositionID 
        FROM Staff 
        WHERE FirstName = 'Robert' and LastName = 'Smith')
    , NULL)

Examples using default values:

INSERT INTO Staff (FirstName
    , LastName
    , DateHired
    , DateReleased
    , PositionID
    , LoginID)
VALUES ('Jason'
    , 'Teachalot'
    , DEFAULT -- use default value for DateHired
    , NULL
    , 4
    , NULL) 


INSERT INTO Staff (FirstName
    , LastName
    , DateReleased
    , PositionID
    , LoginID) -- we've left out DateHired
VALUES ('Jason'
    , 'Teachalot'
    , NULL
    , 4
    , NULL)


The UPDATE statement updates existing rows in the table. It can update one or more columns.

Data can be updated by providing new values for columns or by using subqueries to provide the data.

UPDATE	TableName
SET Column1 = expression[, Column2 = expression ... ]
[WHERE ... ]


  • Update the Course table and set MaxStudents to 3 for CourseID DMIT101:
      UPDATE Course
      SET MaxStudents = 3
      WHERE CourseID = 'DMIT101'
  • Update the Course table and increase the cost of DMIT108 by 10%:
      UPDATE Course
      SET Cost = Cost * 1.1
      WHERE CourseID = 'DMIT108'
  • Update the Course table and set the cost of DMIT170 to be the same as the cost of DMIT254:
      UPDATE Course
      SET Cost = (	SELECT Cost 
                      FROM Course 
                      WHERE CourseID = 'DMIT254')
      WHERE CourseID = 'DMIT170'
  • Update CourseHours, MaxStudents, and Cost columns for CourseID DMIT101:
      UPDATE Course
          CourseHours = 4
      ,	MaxStudents = 5
      ,	Cost = 300
      WHERE CourseID = 'DMIT101'


The DELETE statement removes rows from a table.

DELETE FROM table_name
[WHERE ... ]


  • Delete all records in the Club table:
      DELETE FROM Club


      DELETE Club
  • Delete the record where the ClubID is ACM:
      DELETE FROM Club
      WHERE ClubID = 'ACM'
  • Delete all Payment records that are less than the average payment amount.
      DELETE FROM Payment
      WHERE Amount < (SELECT AVG(Amount) FROM Payment)